Out and About

Traci & Kiki had a wonderful time watching QURRAT KADWANI in her incredible one-woman show, "They Call Me Q"

Traci and Lennell backstage with the one singular sensation, ELIZABETH RITACCO, in A Chorus Line!

Traci at TASHA MILKMAN'S sold-out show, at 59E59 Theater for The Sweet Spot!

Traci supporting JESSIE LANZA as Aphrodite in The One With Violets In Her Lap at the Flea Theater.

Filming in-house with TIFFANY PHAM!

Opening night of 1776- Congrats SHELBY ACOSTA on your Broadway debut!

Traci at closing night of Beautiful at Paper Mill Playhouse!
Traci judging Barbizon runway competition

Traci, Tommi and JESSICA SPECTOR see KIYONNA CARR and LUZ OZUNA in Fort Huachuca!

Traci and Tommi support LUIS BERRIO at a screening of, The Burden of Nine Lives!

Traci, Chinweizu, and Makayla at their 2024 Holiday Dinner!

Makayla spending a day at Growing Studios!
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